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About Me


Thank you for taking time to view my blog! I'm a blogger who happens to love the wonderfully talented Bruno Mars. I curate this blog more so as a hobby, when I have time. I try to update daily but that may not happen. A girl's gotta make a livin. So if you're looking for up to date/up to the minute updates on the status and whereabouts of Bruno, I suggest you look elsewhere if it's not here. ;-)

I try not to meddle in Bruno's personal life either. So you probably won't find a lot of the pictures and other info that can be found elsewhere on the internet here. Mainly just the professional stuff that he does. I try to do my research so that the information I provide is as accurate as possible.

I probably won't post many pictures either, BUT...I most certainly will try to point you to where you can view them.

That's just it...for most of the information I know of, I will just point you to where you can find it. And it will most likely be a creditable source.

So...why should you read my blog then? I'm sure that's what you're asking. Well, because when I do go to Bruno events (and I go to a lot), this is where I will post great pictures. Also, maybe you love Bruno too but you don't have a lot of time to keep up with him. Well, I do a lot of lists/summaries that will point you to where you can get the info.

With that being said, guess I should probably post my disclaimer right about...
Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Bruno Mars. No copywright infringement intended.

So I hope you enjoy Bruno and his music as much as I do, and if not, I hope my blog can help shed some light onto the artist/musician that is Bruno Mars. And I hope you enjoy my blog!

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Bruno Mars. No copywright infringement intended. Also, translation of pages on this blog/website is performed by Google Translate, a free third party service. This may not give an accurate translation all of the time. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translations so translations should not be considered exact and only used as a rough guide. Anyone relying on the information obtained from Google Translate does so at his or her own risk.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Gary! Actually if you click on the "Bruno Mars Mania" in the upper left hand corner it will take you back to the home page.

  2. Thanks Gary! Actually if you click on the "Bruno Mars Mania" in the upper left hand corner it will take you back to the home page.

  3. Hi MarsMania.....!
    Nice Blog.........!
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    Thank you...............!

    1. Thanks for the compliment Dharma! There are many sites that offer blog templates. You can check out and :-)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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