SNL Merryville Brothers Skit
Searching for clips of Bruno Mars in the Amusement Park/Merryville Brothers skit on Saturday Night Live led me to a few other celebs that have also done the same skit on their stint on SNL. Who knew Justin Timberlake and Jim Carrey had also done similar skits? Not me. Take a look to see how Bruno compares to his predecessors.
Also check out my post of Bruno's full SNL episode or my other Bruno SNL clip post.
If any of the links are not working please leave a comment to let me know. Thank you!
Jim Carrey Amusement Park Ride/Merryville Brothers SNL Skit
Justin Timberlake Amusement Park Ride/Merryville Brothers SNL Skit
Bruno Mars Amusement Park Ride/Merryville Brothers SNL Skit