Bruno Mars And His Hooligans Stop By The Waffle House
During their Ohio leg of The Moonshine Jungle World Tour, Bruno Mars and the Hooligans stopped off at The Waffle House to enjoy some good eats. It was Bruno's brother/drummer Eric Hernandez's first time at the eatery according to Eric's instagaram. I'd say they enjoyed it based on Jamareo's instagram "Best stop ever on tour!" Check out their tweets/photos! Click the instagram links to view the photos. Bruno makes a special/crazy appearance!
#brunomars #themoonshinejungletour #thegrindneverstops #wafflehouse @ Waffle House
— Code_Red (@Code10Red) July 11, 2013
#wafflehouse #brunomars #tourlife #themoonshinejungletour #thegrindneverstops @ Waffle House
— Code_Red (@Code10Red) July 11, 2013
#brunomars #tourlife #themoonshinejungletour @ Waffle House
— Code_Red (@Code10Red) July 11, 2013