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Bruno Mars Debuts Gorilla Music Video And Finally Gets His Latika aka Freida Pinto

So Bruno Mars finally got his Latika. You go Bruno!

Bruno Mars debuted the epic (literally) new music video for "Gorilla" October 15th via Facebook, and shared it via YouTube the next day. Actress Freida Pinto stars in the video, with actor Luis Guzman having a cameo as well. If you follow Bruno on twitter, you may remember his previous affinity for Latika, the character played by actress Freida Pinto in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. "Thats it!!! Im movin to Bombay and imma snatch me up a LATIKA!!" he tweeted back in November of 2011.

Check out the   Gorilla music video and if you like it, be sure to leave a comment on youtube to let him know.

Actor Luis Guzman also makes a cameo in the video. Luis and Bruno go back. Way back before "Gorilla" was even released. Luis has attended several of Bruno's shows, as he shared via twitter and instagram, dating back to 2011 when he attended a show in Essex Vermont during the Hooligans In Wondaland tour. You may have seen the photo from that night floating around the internet.

Luis has attended several of Bruno's shows. He shared photos of his family backstage with Bruno at a stop on the Moonshine Jungle World Tour, and Bruno's brother Eric shared photos with the actor backstage at the Peurto Rico show saying "Coolest Hooligan I know, Luis Guzman with @lilcindiah and I at the Puerto Rico show. #moonshinejungletour."

And it doesn't stop there. Luis has tweeted about Bruno on several occasions, even sharing a great drawing that his friend made of Bruno saying "My boy Ray did this drawing of Bruno...talent complementing talent."

Just one other tidbit of trivia about the video...Nicole "the pole" Williams, of Rihanna's   "Pour It Up" music video fame, doubled for some of the pole work in the video. One great steamy video to go along with such a sexy song. Loving it Bruno...loving it!


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